
Patent pending RLX Training courses

Devops Rebels utilizes a patent-pending (well not really) technology called RealLifeeXperience (RLX) with various types of courses focussing on cloud native application platforms. Our trainings are not meant to teach you all the command lines but to teach you the concepts behind the tools. Technologies change rapidly, feature get added or overhauled and problems that exist today are fixed tomorrow.

This is why we focus on the concepts with real practical examples. Instead of the ussual wordpress / database deploymentexamples we will build a mission critical environment and deploy applications in an automated fashion with monitoring and auto healing capabilities.

While the training is focussed on the delivery of applications we do think it’s important to understand the “infrastructure” beneath it. As this will tell you the reasoning behind a lot of choices you have to make. Because of this we will “build” the automation to actually deploy a Docker platform (Kubernetes or DCOS) on instances in the cloud.

The technologies we will “hit” can be described in three phases:

In short we will automate the creation of the infrastructure, add supporting tooling like monitoring, create a mission critical Python application, setup a CI/CD pipeline, add monitoring and alerting and make it autohealing.

The technologies, software and methodologies

  • IaC
    • Terraform
    • Ansible
    • Chef
    • Cloudformation
  • Support
    • Gitlab CI / Jenkins
    • Elastic / Kibana / Grafana
    • Sensu
    • Pagerduty / Twilio / Slack
    • Datadog
  • Application Delivery
    • CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery)
    • Python (Entry / Junior level)
    • Rundeck
    • Service Discovery
    • LoadBalancing
    • Persistent Storage
    • (Distributed) Databases

The tools and the “mission critical application” we will use as a case can actually vary and can of course be discussed upfront, however as we focus on the concepts, the general teachings will be exactly the same no matter. The platforms themself can be either, Kubernetes, Rancher or Mesosphere DCOS.

The clouds can be either Google or Amazon AWS. While Microsoft Azure is a promising platform by itself, the amount of Azure knowledge and patience needed is a course on it’s own and will sidetrack this course too much


  • Need to have / know
    • A laptop with administrative permissions
    • Basic knowledge of a commandline
    • VirtualBox or VMWare (Installation can be done at the course)
  • Nice to have / know
    • Basic Docker or container knowledge
    • Basic understanding of 2 / 3 tier applications (frontend -> application -> database)
    • Humor
    • Cloud native conceptual understanding

We won’t make any assumptions of knowledge this means it should be accessible for any type of engineer, of course we WILL assume you already work in IT either as a developer or system engineer but that’s it.

We will provide a virtual machine compatible for VirtualBox or VMware. This virtual machine will have all tools needed prepared and makes sure we won’t be distracted by the variety of client side OS’s. The tools we will use ARE supported on all major OS’s but we also know that some laptops have corporate policies enabled that might unnecessarily delay the course.

Costs, duration and other

All trainings can be discussed up front so we can deliver a course tailor made for your team and business. We can deliver the training on-premise or at Devops Rebels. Contact us for more information.

Please contact us for any question and/or schedule a training!